Does Work Assessment Work? 

Recruiters and employers assess applicants in many different ways. It's important to know what is effective when evaluating someone and how to use the best employee skill assessment tools for your interview process. What is Work Assessment? Work assessment is a process used to determine whether an applicant is suitable for ... read more
Monday, February 28, 2022 4:51:00 AM Categories: computer programming recruiting software programming tips and tricks

How Wild Noodle Can Help You Sense The Future With Our Work Assessment Tool 

We all want our company's growth to reflect the success of its products in the market. Success is a measurement of improvement – which is why metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) matter. So, if you are looking for an easy solution to measure your growth, we have an awesome tool that you can use. Let's get started with understanding why... read more

Get Sharp People Skills By Focusing on These Three Things 

There are a lot of poor hiring practices out there. Many practices focus on the wrong things and that doesn’t produce any results. But there are three quick hiring practices you can use to hire better employees. Apply these three tips, and you’ll be making better hires today! Before you hire anyone, write down the abilities you... read more
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 7:01:00 AM Categories: recruiting tips and tricks

How to Create An Effective Hiring Assessment Strategy for Your Organization 

Hiring is one of the most challenging business activities organizations have to go through. How does it work? What’s the best way to make it happen? How do you know you’ll get good people? If you’re asking these questions, take a look at this article and learn how to create an effective hiring assessment strategy for your organization. ... read more
Friday, February 11, 2022 3:52:00 AM Categories: recruiting tips and tricks

Should You Only Test Candidates That Look Good On Paper? 

A resume makes it clear which candidates are just finishing school and which ones have experience in the field. But should candidates that don't stand out visually be tested? We've analyzed over 100 resumes of potential hires and found some surprising answers to that question. It is hard for many hiring managers to understand the... read more
Friday, February 4, 2022 7:41:00 AM Categories: recruiting tips and tricks